Shangguan Wan'er


Shangguan Wan'er will enhance her every third basic attack, dealing an additional 300 (+40% magical bonus) magical damage to enemies on a path. When each of her abilities touch each other, it will burst, causing 300 (+40% magical bonus) magical damage to nearby enemies (damage of continuous hits within 1 second is decreased by 50%). Wan'er will restore 150 (+20% magical bonus) points of health and activate her enhanced basic attack if she touches her 2nd ability.

Ability 1

Shangguan Wan'er shoots a ball of ink to the specified direction. The ink will quickly slow down the its travel speed and inflict 270/310/350/390/430/470 (+35% magical bonus) magical damage on the enemies it touches. When the maximum distance is reached, the ink will explode and spread, causing 270/310/350/390/430/470 (+35% magical bonus) magical damage to nearby enemies.

Ability 2

Shangguan Wan'er chooses a point and summons a pen that writes to her own position as the end point. The moment she touches the pen, she will deal 150/180/210/240/270/300 (+20% magical bonus) magical damage to the enemies near her. During the writing process, 300/360/420/480/540/600 (+40% spell bonus) points of spell damage and 50% slowdown will be dealt to the enemy touching the pen for 2 seconds (stored a pen once every 12 seconds, the maximum amount is 2 pens).

Ability 3

Shangguan Wan'er sprints with her pen and ink and deals 300/385/470 (+24% magical bonus) magical damage to enemies on her path. If you hit the gan enemy or her other active abilities during the sprint, you can issue the sprint again with a movement command within 3 seconds (up to 5 sprints, and you can attack and cast during the stop. When interrupted, it will return 20% to 80% of the ability's cooldown depending on how many sprints she did). If Shangguan Wan'er completes 5 sprints, she will leap up to the sky (cannot be targeted during the period), and continuously attack nearby enemies, dealing 600/800/1000 (+45% magical bonus) magical damage (a total of 10 attacks, damage to the same enemy will be reduced to 25%).