Pei Qinhu
Pei Qinhu's basic attack will fire a ball of Qi that deals additional 16 Magical Damage (damage scales with level). The additional Magical Damage caused will be stacked within 3 seconds of attacking, increasing up to a maximum x3 of the initial damage. Every basic attack restores Pei Qinhu's energy by 5 points.Ability 1
Human Form: Pei Qinhu fires a condensed ball of Qi, dealing 250/300/350/400/450/500 (+115% physical bonus) Magical Damage to enemies in its way. It will also deal an additional 8% Magical Damage based on the enemy's current Health and slow them by 50% for 1.5 seconds. 20 points of energy will be restored if this ability hits an enemy.
Tiger Form: Pei Qinhu bites the target, dealing 300/360/420/480/540/600 (+130% physical bonus) Physical Damage. For every 1% of the target's health lost, an additional 1% damage is caused and
additionally deals 50/230/410/590 (+100% physical bonus) Magical Damage to the target and the enemies behind them in a fan-shaped area behind the target.Ability 2
Human Form: Pei Qinhu creates a Qi shield that instantly deals 100/150/200/250/300/350 (+70% physical bonus) Magical Damage to nearby enemies and can absorb 400 (+150% physical bonus) Physical/Magical Damage for 5 seconds. Every 0.5 seconds while the shield is still there, it will deal 20/30/40/50/60/70 (+14% physical bonus) Magical Damage to nearby enemies and increase his Attack Speed by 30%.
Tiger Form: Pei Qinhu lunges at a designated area. causing 175/210/245/280/315/350 (+70% physical bonus) physical damage to enemies along the way. If he touches a wall during the lunge, he will be able to do another jump within 1 second after touching the wall (use the joystick to aim where he will jump again) and deal 350/420/490/560/630/700 (+140% physical bonus) physical damage to the enemy it hit. If at least one enemy is hit during the 2nd jump, 20 points of energy will be restored and the cooldown of the skill is reduced by 50%.Ability 3
Human Form: Pei Qinhu switches to Tiger Form, increasing his movement speed by 30% for 1 second and strengthens the next two basic attacks. The first attack locks on and charges at the designated target, causing 20/110/200/290 (+100% physical bonus) physical damage and slows their movement speed by 90% for 1 second. The second hit causes 20 (+100% physical bonus) spell damage to the enemy in front of you;
Tiger form: Pei Qinhu switches to human form, increasing his movement speed by 30% for 1 second and strengthens the next basic attack, shooting out a strong Qi ball, dealing 50/230/410/590 (+100% physical bonus) magical damage to the target and other enemies in a fan-shaped area behind the target.